Starting a company and growing this venture into a sustainable brand often sounds easier than it actually is. Customers can choose from different vendors and as a new kid on the block, competition may be heavy. Corporate branding is necessary, but not at the expense of sales. Therefore, the strategy we implement together with our clients has a combined focus on turnover and branding that leads to recognition, awareness and trust.
The definition of the exact business someone is in connects the identification of the ideal customer profile with custom made solutions. This is considered a win-win solution and invites customers to share their experience with others. As such, marketing, advertising, branding and the like require close examination and allow the business to identify the unique selling proposition that match unique buying decisions.
A brand identifies a company and its services by a recognizable and distinguished image. Large multinational companies and those with unlimited budgets can leverage brand awareness into purchase decisions. Branding therewith interlinks recognition with sales. However, start-ups, small business owners, solo entrepreneurs and online enterprises need clients. To be precise, they need clients quickly. As such, branding is for the start-up and small business owner a by-product and part of the overall marketing strategy.
The initial stages of a new corporate venture involve trial and error. Constant expenses and the need for a direct, predictable and stable income may trigger stress. A factor that should be eliminated to ensure durability and certainty. Therefore, the clients of Dimples & Co. focus on turnover and profitability as the elementary fundamental building blocks of their company. Over time, customer experiences strengthen the corporate image and as such reveal the true purpose of the company. As a result, branding as seen by large and well known corporations, may or may not be implemented when the company is already profitable, and the brand already has already received market acceptance.
Our approach to marketing is different. Marketing and brand establishment takes time. The elimination of uncertainty and trickery allows our customers to spend their budget wisely. The most appropriate customers can therewith be recruited immediately. Our vision is that the quality of a product is in direct relation to the exact needs of a customer. The offspring of this relationship is that expectations are exceeded, and customers potentially become raving fans. Enthusiasm by customers cannot be faked and therefore leverages credibility. This again is crucial for a branding strategy. As you can see, a strong marketing plan starts with customer recruitment and sales and steadily moves towards branding.
Branding for start-ups and small business requires an alternative mindset. It all starts with a corporate design to distinguish oneself from potential competition. The smart way to launch a new establishment is by defining absolute personal qualities while isolating a niche in the market. This approach ensures an efficient allocation of resources, time and money. As such, ideal customers are targeted and high quality products delivered. When executed with diligence and care, customers help to establish the brand and grow it to unparalleled proportions.