The financial architecture of a business results in periodic and in general monthly expenses. Most small businesses start a new month in debt and need results to break even and make a profit. Profit may be enough to cover charges in a next month, but this is not always guaranteed. Therefore, our focus is to help our clients combine traditional service provisions with passive income models and direct response marketing. As such, predictable income leads to limited stress and a focus on core activities to ultimately deliver high quality products.
The common characteristic of our customers is that they spent their budget wisely to deliver return on investment. As such, they implement systems with a focus on sales and a high probability of success. This means that a corporate marketing strategy is combined with hard and smart work. Together, we send the right message to the right market with the right media. This is called direct response marketing when the qualified prospects are asked to respond in a specific way.
Traditional direct response marketing funnels cold leads to hot prospects. The ultimate goal is to establish a group of trusted and loyal followers, who eventually form a tribe. To achieve this point, customer expectations must be exceeded on a constant basis. This is only possible when there is a direct match between the product offer and the client. Defining and isolating an ideal client group therefore is necessary.
Working with ideal customers has several benefits. It is impossible to provide everything for everyone. Subsequently, small business owners need turnover. Therefore should focus on lead generation and marketing that brings in customers fast. Direct response marketing has a sense of urgency. This is an advantageous situation for both buyers in need of a direct solution and sellers able to exceed on the expectations of their clients.
Marketing should lead to sales. An abundance of sales leads to profitability and corporate stability. Stability is needed to keep the company active in times of crises and thus deliver a positive and successful environment for all stakeholders. Marketing leads prospects to service providers selling a product. Prospects must be converted into buyers. Direct response marketing allow prospects to identify and qualify themselves so that closing the sale is a logical event. The result is that the small business owner has less waste due to the fact that only ideal customers see tailored advertisements and others do not even know they exist.