Business owners can combine the best of both worlds when they use external platforms with an established group of followers with their own marketing channels. User databases of social media and web2.0 platforms do not always outweigh the ownership structure and commercial objectives. Consequently, most platforms can change the rules for branding and advertising. Those who rely on free platforms to build their business therefore play a risky game. Yet, direct response marketing aims to target potential customers where they are. As such, every possibility to softly appear where the customer is is recommended. However, this is whilst refraining from becoming pushy.
Dimples & co. uses numerous external and often even free platforms to build your brand. That brand building can be profitable as well becomes visible after the implementation of your branding model. Nearly all techniques we use are ‘self liquidation offers’; implemented to generate income from the branding technique itself. We named this ‘smart funding’ because it creates an income to fund further marketing activities. The idea of smart funding is to create multiple (passive) income streams that help you run your company even more efficient that you already do.
In general we use the following smart funding platforms:
- Article directories
- Bookstores
- One stop shopping channels
- Sales platforms
- Social media channels